CHINOPERL, Chinese Oral and Performing Literatures, Inc., founded in 1969, is an independent and international scholarly association for the studies of Chinese oral and performing literature, which is also affiliated with the Association of Asian Studies in the United States of America.
CHINOPERL welcomes scholars, performers and anyone interested in the study or creation of linguistic, music, ritual, dramatic or other works that have bearing on Chinese performing literatures.
Membership in CHINOPERL is established by payment of annual dues of $35.00 for individuals,
which includes subscription to two bi-annual issues of our refereed journal,
CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature
(formerly, CHINOPERL Papers). Memberships and renewals are available online through the
University of Hawai’i Press.
Members are entitled to attend and present papers at the annual meeting for a normal registration fee of $50.00 for regular members ($30.00 for retirees and students), and $60.00 for non-members.
For questions concerning general issues and annual meetings, contact Professor Wenwei Du, President, at <>.
For questions concerning membership in general, contact Professor Elena Chiu, Secretary, at <>
For questions concerning membership dues, contact Professor Fan Pen Chen, Treasurer, at <>.
For questions concerning CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (formerly, CHINOPERL Papers), contact Professor Jing Shen, Editor, at <>.
For institutional subscriptions of the journal, please follow the instructions on the
"CHINOPERL" page on the University of Hawai’i Press website.
CHINOPERL, 中國演唱文藝學會,成立於1969年,是美國亞洲學會的聯屬成員,擁有獨立的運作機制。本學會歡迎在語言,音樂,儀式,戲劇和其他有關中國演唱文藝方面有研究或創作的學者專家及演藝人員入會。
會員每年須繳納會費,個人35美元。加入本學會或續費可通過夏威夷大學出版社的在線鏈接進行(University of Hawai’i Press)。會費含每年两期的本会的盲审学刊: CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature。會員有權參加年會並發表研究或創作作品,註冊費通常是:會員每人50美元,退休者與學生每人30美元;非會員參加年會通常繳註冊費60美元。在年會發表作品可以使用中文或英文。寄到期刊的稿件必須依照期刊所定的格式並以英文書寫。期刊園地公開;文章一經採用,作者必須成為本會會員。
中國演唱文藝研究會 邀請您入會
會長 都文伟教授 <>.
財務主任 陳李凡平教授 <>.
學會秘書 趙雪瑩教授 <>.
主編 沈静教授 <>.